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The Second “Natian” Cup International Design Competition


Kurzbeschrieb Bauaufgabe

1. Design Principles

1) Creativity: Create diverse and interesting places for Suqian citizens and tourists. Design must be original.

2) Locality: Project should be designed with a comprehensive consideration of local history, culture, and natural environment.

3) Sustainability: The sustainability of design, materials and operation should be considered.

4) Feasibility: This is not only a conceptual competition. The selection of material, the form of construction and the requirement of craftsmanship should all be feasible.

5) The application of new technology and new materials: In the design, new technology and new material are expected to play a leading and innovating role in the development and implementation of public facilities.

6) Originality: Participants should ensure the originality of the proposal and make sure it hasn’t been submitted to other competitions.

7) The design should be able to enhance the identity and design quality of the area, and add new functions.

2. Design Categories

It is free for participants to select the site of project and the category of design in Suqian city. Design should be public facilities but the category is not restrained, such as intelligent pedestrian, smart public toilet, newsstand, bus station, public bench, intelligent rubbish bin, and intelligent street lamp etc. New materials and the creativity of design should be considered, as well as the feasibility.

3. Site

Participants are free to decide design boundary and subject, and they are encouraged to organize field survey within the Suqian city by themselves. The site should be real and images such as photos and satellite images of the site are required in submission materials. Participants can also select one of the recommended sites that are provided by the organizing committee to design; Whether the participants choose the provided site will not be the consideration of the jury review. (The information of the provided site can be downloaded from the official website)


Auftraggeber (Auslober)
Suqian Municipal Government
Suqian Municipal Government
Verfahrensbegleitendes Büro
Syndicate Suqian Urban Planning Bureau | CBC (China Building Centre) | Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine
Baukategorie nach SIA102
Kultur und Geselligkeit, Freizeit, Sport und Erholung, Verkehrsanlagen, Weitere
Art der Aufgabe
Neubau, Umbau, Übrige
Beschaffungsform (nach SIA)
Sprache des Verfahrens
Anonymes Verfahren
Art des Verfahrens
Offenes Verfahren
Fachgebiet Federführung
Weitere optionale Fachgebiete
Landschaftsarchitektur, Städtebau, Kunstdesign
Regionale Einschränkung
Internationaler Wettbewerb
Quelle Ausschreibungstext
Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine: Nation Cup. 05.03.2018. http://natiancompetition.uedmagazine.net/index.php?r=info/ops. 27.03.2018.


Datum Publikation
Ausgabe der Wettbewerbsunterlagen
Abgabe der Wettbewerbsbeiträge


1. Rang
1. Preis
Rainbow Loop
JooHyung Oh, Jae Ho Yoon, Sunjae Yu, Su In Kim


Yang Baojun, President of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, National Engineering Survey and Design Master (Vorsitz)
Cui Kai, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Honorary President and Chief Architect of China Architecture Design Group (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Meng Jianmin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Architect of Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co.LTD (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Li Zhenyu, Dean and Professor of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Ole Gustavsen, Rector of the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Fernando Menis, Founder of Menis Arquitectos, Spain (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Han Dongqing, Dean, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture, Southeast University, Principal Architect of UAL (Urban Architectural Lab) (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Zhang Qi, Dean, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture, Tianjin University (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Sun Yimin, Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor, Dean, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture, South China University of Technology (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Huang Jingtao, President and Chief Planner of Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute, Distinguished Professor of School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Expert enjoys Special Allowance granted by State Council (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Peng Lixiao, Chief Editor of Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine, Guest Professor of School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Director of CBC (China Building Centre) (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)
Zhuang Weimin, National Engineering Survey and Design Master, Dean and Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, President and Chief Architect of Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)